looking for a linux based server router?

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by cardis, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. cardis

    cardis New Member

    i have an old router but im not happy with the speed, im looking to replace it with another server like a linux server with 2 WANS and 1 Lan that also has firewall, antispam and features like a good router.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. mmidgett

    mmidgett Member

    I have been testing pfsense.org - BSD and it work good for what I have found out.
  4. pattone

    pattone New Member

    is a very good choice. You can use it installed on hard drive or as a live cd (ideally to test) or even with a virtual machine. From the oficial web you can download the VMware Appliance ready to use; or you can install / boot live cd from another plattform like virtualbox
  5. Franz

    Franz Member

    why not usting mikrotik OS (www.mikrotik.com)
    it can be run on x86PC or routerboard

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