Looking for Webhost Manager

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by cybereatl, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. cybereatl

    cybereatl Member

    Hi there am new about those managers and I want to get experiences of people who have use it.

    In this case I want to know about Cpanel and ISPconfig, for educational institutions those are free so forget about price wise.

    Let see about features, subdomain management, amount of web sites hosted.

    What's best for normal usage and wich one is better, so far companies use Cpanel but there if a few options, who know ISPconfig will recommend it?


  2. gg234

    gg234 New Member

    i would personally suggest VHCS nice one.take a look at their website


  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If you can get plesk for free, i would recommend that.

    Currently plesk has more features the VHCS and ISPConfig. But i think with version 3 ISPConfig will get close to plesk or even better :)

    ... OK, I'am biased, as I'am currently writing a good part of ISPConfig 3 ;)

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