Hi everyone, Just a quick report about the link "Click here for detailed update instructions" located on "System > ISPConfig Updates". This link is malformed and as such, not working : HTML: <a href="\"https://www.faqforge.com/linux/controlpanels/ispconfig3/how-to-update-ispconfig-3/\"" target="\"_blank\"">Click here for detailed update instructions</a> There is too much of " in there as the end result is as follow : https://SERVER:8080/"https://www.faqforge.com/linux/controlpanels/ispconfig3/how-to-update-ispconfig-3//"
Sorry, I didn't had notifications enabled and I forget about this post ==> ISPConfig Version: 3.2.12p1 I did used the auto installer script too (on Debian 12.6) I did download the latest tar.gz of this release, did a lookup and, maybe, this is due to some bad language file ? Now, in my final production env, I use the panel in english, and doesn't seems to be broken, but if I remember correctly, it was done on my test environnement, and was setup in french (where we can see this strange writting there ==> <a href=\\"https://w ) Should be enough to correct it now