Log in to the server and run Code: ifconfig That command will show you the MAC address (I think it calls it HWADDR or something like that).
Thanks, but I don’t want to log on to 68 servers. Is there away to innovatory them from a command line?
I'm not sure if the nmblookup can be of help. Run Code: man nmblookup Maybe it can detect MAC addresses.
Hi Muzica, I use nmap for that type of task. the following command will scan your entire subnet and provide just the info you need; nmap -sP Replace the 192.x.x.x with whatever you subnet is, also if you're not using one of the standard subnet masks you'll need to calculate and apply a different subnet # at the end (24). Since you have a bunch of machines I'd suggest routing the info to a file like so; nmap -sP > MyMacs.txt Then you can copy that text file to whatever machine your doing work on. I use the heck out of this command when setting up Static DHCP servers. Cheers! Ken