Mail bug?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by baicunko, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. baicunko

    baicunko New Member

    I've been managing to install ISPConfig2 for about a week and I've finally managed to install it with everything working.
    I've also added the DNS records and everything.

    The problem I'm having now is with Mails. I've installed squirrelmail package with ISPConfig 2 which I downloaded from the ISPConfig page.
    I've created a mail on ISPConfig named [email protected]
    But when I log onto my mail through SquirrelMail and send me a mail to the outside world I receive the mail sender like this:
    [email protected]
    So, in summary, I can send and receive mails, but when I send mails i receive them as

    Any SUggestion?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You must set the correct sender address in your email client (Outlook, Thunderbird, SquirrelMail, etc.).
  3. baicunko

    baicunko New Member

    And how I configure SquirrelMail with the correct sender adress? I can' seem to find any tutorial.
  4. baicunko

    baicunko New Member

    Okay, opened config.php and changed $domain to
    The problem I'm having now It's that ISPConfig when it creates my mail, it doesn't add the sender I want.
    I mean, I log in with [email protected] to Squirrel Mail, but when i send an email it arrives as [email protected] which is my username to create the email.
    I'm using ISPConfig 2
    Any suggestions?
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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