Just talked to the ISP , I was blocked 5 days because of spamming I've cleared the blacklist but i didn't think that ISP would block me so quick because I check the blacklist dailly. The report was that was spammig , Is this because of the server or a windows pc that's in the network with a virus do that ? How can I make it more secure no to spam ? Thank you very for your suppot
That's hard to say. You need sample spam emails and look into the mail headers so you might find hints to the origin there. I don't know any other easy ways to find out what exactly was the spam source. Btw.: your provider doesn't need the blacklists. Providers get direct spam complaints from receivers, so it is of no help in this case if you clear them. Also it is not a good way clearing the blacklist without knowing the reason for the spam - if you do this regularly you won't be unblocked anymore.