Mail Group

Discussion in 'General' started by ikrudolf, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. ikrudolf

    ikrudolf Member

    How to create a mail group?
    (So 1 email address that has multiple receivers.)

    Should I do this via Custom Mail Rules and how? Can clients do this as well?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Just add a new Email forward and add the recipients in the destination email field.
  3. giftsnake

    giftsnake New Member

    when doing this, some mailservers reject the mails. i use a mailbox and insert the adresses as custom rule (cc '[email protected]') after the spamfiltering rule.
  4. Doug G

    Doug G Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Where can I find out what is allowable in the custom rule settings? I wasn't aware you could add a forwarding rule here.
  5. giftsnake

    giftsnake New Member

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