mail log

Discussion in 'General' started by mam, May 5, 2023.

  1. mam

    mam New Member

    Hi all

    after migrating to new servers using a newer version of ISPconfig, the contact form for one website no longer works and I hope some logfiles can help.

    The contact form uses SMTP to send the mail to a given mail address. unfortunately, this mail is hosted with a 3rd party and I have no access. I guess that 3rd party server is rejecting the mail with some error message, but since the mail address (a [email protected]) doesn't exist on our server, the mail is not received in any inbox.

    Is there any log that I can search in for that reply? If so, which one would it be?

    Thank you very much for your ideass
  2. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    That depends on how the mail gets send. What contact form is used? What are the settings for the contact form?

    Can you please provide some more information?
  3. nhybgtvfr

    nhybgtvfr Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    there may be something in some php/apache error logs (assuming the site is using php).
    your local instance of postfix (or whatever you're using) won't log anything as the sending doesn't go anywhere near the local mailserver

    is this smtp connector self-coded? if it's a plugin for a cms system it most likely has a test option which will show if the settings work or not, and will display the smtp transaction logs if there is a problem.

    other options.. the smtp code is trying to send unauthenticated mail on port 25 and that is blocked by your own or your isp's firewall.
    (or trying to authenticate on port 25 - same result)

    if it's not port 25, or you can't get any logs.. try testing it manually by telnetting to the mailserver from the website host server.
    you can search google for instructions on how to test smtp using telnet.
    if you are using authentication you'll need to use the AUTH LOGIN command and have base64 encoded versions of the username and password and type/paste those in instead of using plainttext
    pyte likes this.

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