Mail Login

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by linutzy, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. linutzy

    linutzy New Member

    I am not able to login to login to

    I have Mailuser Login checked and saved and have recreated the account a number of times.

    To Login I use the prefix web2_someuser and the password.

    It says on the error page Error: User error: Unknown AUTHORIZATION state command

    Please help and thank you
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The user authorization is against the pop3 server on localhost. Did you have installed a pop3 server that listens on localhost?
  3. linutzy

    linutzy New Member

    I've installed everything that is on the and ispconfig site to a tee.

    Also POP3-Server: Online
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2005
  4. adamluz

    adamluz New Member

    Try to login using the full e-mail address rather than the username.
  5. linutzy

    linutzy New Member

    No dice

    Yeah that also did not work. The format is web2_somename
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I think we have to debug this in the scripts.

    Open the script


    with an editor and set the line (line nr. 21)

    var $debug=0;

    var $debug=1;
    Then try to login again and post the debugging output here. If there is your password in the debug output, replace it by xxxx before you post it here :D
  7. linutzy

    linutzy New Member

    No password but...

    Connecting to localhost ... < +OK POP3 localhost.localdomain v2003.83 server ready > USER web2_marko < -ERR Unknown AUTHORIZATION state command Closing connection.

    And I changed it to local server.
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Which howto did you follow? What POP3 server is installed?
  9. linutzy

    linutzy New Member HowTo

    It was the debian 3.1 howto on your site using 2.0. I think I will try to install it again. This time I will not make any manual changes to apache. I will follow it to a tee again.
  10. linutzy

    linutzy New Member

    New Install

    I've just installed ISPconfig again from scratch (including a fresh install of debian) and when I try to login as to

    During the install I used the "standard" option to avoid doing this "A Note On SuExec" So the install is about as exact as you can get. Also I'm only going to be working with 1 domain now to avoid any issues.

    I still get the same error as posted above.

    First when I login for the very first time I see the following under admin

    - admin
    + [folder] [Green Pencil] Reseller
    + [folder] [Green Pencil] Clients
    + [folder] [Green Penicl] Sites

    If I click the green pencils for Reseller, Clients, Sites I get
    1) Reseller>
    Group: Admin
    Surname: Anbieter
    In Folder: admin, clients, sites

    2) Clients>
    Group: Admin
    Surname: Kunden
    In Folder: admin, Resseller, sites

    3) Sites>
    Group: Admin
    Surname: Web
    In Folder: admin, Resseller, sites

    What do these mean and do they effect anything when I create a new reseller? These are not folders or files I have created, just wondering if they have any effect on me creating sites and folders later on?

    Also what does Ordner Bearbeiten mean?
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2005
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    They are the default Folders. You can delete them, rename then or let them where they are. You can think of the tree a the left as of your filesystem, make new folders and put your resellers, clients and websites in the folders you like.

    Kunden => Customers
    Anbieter => Resellers

    There seems to be some wrong translations that has to be fixed. The Field "Surname" means must be "parent Folder". Ordner bearbeiten means edit Folder.

    If you get still the same error when logging in as mailuser:

    1) have you created a new client?
    2) have you created a new website, where mailuser login is activated?
    3) have you created a new mailuser?

    Then wait about a minute to let ISPConfig change your configuration, go to the mailuser login and login with web1_xxxx and the password for this user.
  12. tantus

    tantus New Member

    mailuser login

    I have a fairly new install up and running. Everything works great (multiple sites, joomla, proftp, client login). I'm having mailuser problems.

    site admin email works through the cpanel, login into and via imap address in outlook. I can't login with a mailuser for the site even though Mail User login is checked. This fails in all the above access trys as well as or (both these give me a "page cannot be found" error. is valid DNS entry and site is operational. I've noticed when I go back into the Web-Manager control panel and look at ISP Site - Basis the Mailuser Login says 1 yet there are two accounts (admin's email and user1) is this correct (ie. means one mailuser IN ADDITION to the admin)?

    I've have ISPConfig 2.2.1 running on FC4 (postfix, ssalauthd) and used your great HowTo and it installed without problem.

    Any thoughts on what I've set incorrectly?
    Last edited: May 4, 2006
  13. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  14. tantus

    tantus New Member

    Mail user login

    I'm sorry for not being clear, but it was the email address. I have a domain with to users with emails
    domain - admin user email is [email protected] and user email is [email protected].

    login/send/receive work fine for [email protected]

    the following fail: (get page cannot be displayed error) (get page cannot be found error)[email protected] (get page cannot be found error)[email protected] (get page cannot be found error)

    Mailuser Login on ISP Site > Basis is checked
    no error messages encountered creating site or email user.

    thanks for your help,
    Last edited: May 5, 2006
  15. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  16. tantus

    tantus New Member

    Mail user login

    Thanks for your patience.
    I finally get it! You meant actually type 'mailsuer' not the username!!!! I logged in without problem.

    I risk asking another dumb question, but here it is...
    when i log on as a spcific mailuser I get an ISPConfig page with a left hand menu that's titled "Email Account" and working links for Use & Email, Autoresponder, Forwarder, Spamfilter and Language. The first page when logging in say "Welcome..." Should I see a link for the webmail interface automatically. I'm probably missing something simple but I didn't see it in the manual.

  17. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, there's no link to the webmail interface in the mailuser interface. That link exists only in the main ISPConfig under "Tools".

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