Mail & MariaDB Connection Problem (3.1.13 on Debian 9 Stretch)

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by macguru, Jan 23, 2019.

  1. macguru

    macguru Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi !

    I had some time to investigate problem with e-mail broken user authentication (described in my previous thread).
    Server had to be restarted ASAP and I assumed that this is due to possible MariaDB crash. Now this problem happened again, and its seems everything is fine with MariaDB - connection to ISPConfig server, Joomla site went OK, while Postfix and Dovecot throws these errors.

    Jan 23 01:56:09 mail dovecot: auth-worker(30866): Warning: mysql: Query failed, retrying: MySQL server has gone away (idled for 60 secs)
    Jan 23 01:56:09 mail dovecot: auth-worker(30866): Error: sql(xxx,,<mxmpuBSABs3AqABP>): Password query failed: MySQL server has gone away (idled for 54 secs)
    Jan 23 01:56:12 mail postfix/smtpd[23459]: warning: mysql:/etc/postfix/ table lookup problem
    Jan 23 01:56:31 mail postfix/smtpd[23459]: warning: mysql:/etc/postfix/ table lookup problem
    Jan 23 01:57:06 mail postfix/proxymap[18743]: warning: mysql query failed: MySQL server has gone away

    Problematic server is down, 1 month old VM copy is running in place.
    Anyway, I'm not sure if this won't happen again. Anyone have any idea what went wrong, and how to fix this issue ?
    Thanks in advance.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you try raising the max_connections and max_user_connections values in mysql/mariaDB config? Try to use a high value eg. 500 or 1000 for both.
  3. macguru

    macguru Member HowtoForge Supporter

    MariaDB configs left as is after Perfect guide setup.
    cd /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d
    cat 50-server.cnf | grep max
    #max_connections = 100
    This only one connection option left commented out in config, so I assume this is default value.
    "max_user_connections" is nowhere to be found in configs, is it obsolete or still being used ?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    It is still being used, add both settings and set them to a higher value like 500 or 1000. Postfix tends to open a lot of connections and you can reach the 100 connection limit easily on a busy mail server.
  5. macguru

    macguru Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Is "max_user_connections" should be set in "/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-client.cnf" ?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    It must be set in the [mysqld] section. Search which file contains [mysqld] section and then add both lines there.

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