Hi Guys I just started testing my new installation... Web works great but on the other hand i get stuck on the email part! i created a new mail user: Full name: Support email: [email protected] username: web1_support password: support001 (testing) When i try to login from either https://mydomain:81 using username : web1_support and the above password nothing happens it gives me error on authentication (error 101) then i tried using my outlook ... and it keeps on asking me for the username and password? doing anything wrong? Thanks in advance Nick
Mailusers cant login to: https://mydomain:81, the login is only for admin, resellers and clients. The mailuser login is: https://mydomain:81/mailuser When you can not login with outlook, check your maillog and syslog for error messages.
Ok...its seems that i fixed it when i ticked the MailDir option! and thanks for the /mailuser tip! Now the problem is that i cannot access the https://www.mydomain.com:81 from an externl location? i have setup ispconfig with a domain name of does this effect it? Thanks very much for your great help nick
Have you forwarded port 81 from your router to your ISPConfig Server and tried to connect the server with your external IP?
Hi again and thanks once more for your help till, Actually yes i did open port 81 on my router and it is also pointing to my server!
Maybe your router's firewall is blocking accesses to port 81? Can you access ISPConfig from outside when you disable the router firewall?
Is there any settings that restricts adminstration from external networks? if so, can u help me find it!? Thanks Nick
Hi Falco, Yes i did disable the firewall and enabled port forwarding! though its still not working! Just gives me page cannot be displayed! Would appreciate any advice given... Regards Nick