Mail not arriving

Discussion in 'General' started by ikrudolf, Jul 12, 2010.

  1. ikrudolf

    ikrudolf Member

    The last few days I see that a lot of messages don't arrive my inbox. Some arrive some not.

    What and how to check what's going on?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please take a look at the mail log and post the lines that apper for the messages that dont arrived. You can search in the mail log for secifig sender addresses with the grep command.
  3. ikrudolf

    ikrudolf Member

    It's a big log.
    What i've noticed it's only mail that is sent intern (for example by root sender). Extern received mail, even my other domains on my server is received.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can use the grep command to extract all lines from your mail log that contain the string "root".
  5. ikrudolf

    ikrudolf Member

    Another question.
    I found this in the log:

    This is marked as SPAM, but it's not. How can I see all the mail that is send to me that is removed due to SPAM (or any) reason?

  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can search the mail log with e.g. grep:

    grep Blocked /var/log/mail.log

    1) Check this:

    2) Check the scores that you have set in spamassassin for marking and blocking emails. The xcores that you use currently might be too low. Recommended is e.g.:

    spam-tag level: 1
    spam-tag-level 2: 3.6
    spam-kill-level: 15
    spam subject tag:
    spam subject tag 2: ***SPAM***
  7. ikrudolf

    ikrudolf Member

    Tnx Till.
    What about all the extra option in the Policy, is there a FAQ about this somewhere?

    And how to setup that all mail marked as SPAM is copied to the SPAM or Trash folder?
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    As far as I know, the amavisd-new project has not released a FAQ for all settings of the amavisd-new daemon. But there are some readme file son their website available that explain how amavisd works.

    In the latest ISPConfig releases, there is a checkbox for that in the mailbox settings. In older ISPconfig 3 versions, you can create a filter for that manually on the mailbox filter tab based on the subject.

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