mail problem

Discussion in 'General' started by teves, Dec 19, 2006.

  1. teves

    teves Member


    I have a small mail problem here.
    On my SuSe 10.1 (perfect setup) server with ISPConfig I can recieve mails via both pop3 and imap, with and without SSL.
    But I can only send without SSL. My mail client (thunderbird) uses port 465 for sending SSL mails, but a port scan of the server reveals:

    Port 21 (tcp) is open (ftp)!
    Port 25 (tcp) is open (smtp)!
    Port 80 (tcp) is open (http)!
    Port 81 (tcp) is open (ISPConfig)!
    Port 110 (tcp) is open (pop3)!
    Port 111 (tcp) is open (sunrpc)!
    Port 143 (tcp) is open (imap)!
    Port 443 (tcp) is open (https)!
    Port 993 (tcp) is open (imaps)!
    Port 995 (tcp) is open (pop3s)!

    no port 465 open. Have I configured something wrong?

    Thank you,
    regards, Tom
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please check that tls is enabled in postfix file.
  3. razor7

    razor7 Member

    Hello. I have done that and now thunderbird shows me the certificate when sending mail with ssl in port 465 but after accepting the certificate, the connection is refused, please note that i can send mails normally with SSL disabled.

    Thanks in advise.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please check your mail.log for errors and post the exact error messages here.
  5. razor7

    razor7 Member

    Thanks...the error wa because enabling SSL in smtp from thunderbird...the ight choice is TLS...

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