mail problems

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by madjoe, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. madjoe

    madjoe New Member

    i have installed my webserver with this tutorial:
    all works fine except mail.

    1. when i send from an external mailprovider (gmx or gmail)to an e-mail account on this server the e-mail dosent arrive and no errormessage comes back
    2. when i login to squirrelmail i can write a mail to e-mail accounts on this server but not to an external e-mail (like gmx or googlemail)
    3. in thunderbird i could login to the e-mail account(imap) and see messages on the account but i cant send e-mails (smtp server didnt respond). in ispconfig on the service tab i see smtp as online but when i check the ispconfig monitor tool on my phone i see smtp as offline!?

    i use (Debian Wheezy/Sid) ISPConfig on the server

    any hints?

    best regards joe
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please post the exact error messages that you get in the mail.log file.

    Is the server in a datacenter or hosted at home / in office?

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