Hi to averyone! I'm italian so..excuse me for my bad english. I have this problem. My sister, in her own office, have a little mail account (2Gb or less..i don't remeber..) with her site hoster. I would like to create a server that "proxy" the mail for her. I try to explane better: the client mail connect to a local machine (the server i would like to make) , inside the office, and send/receive mail. the server send/receive the mail to the remote mail service. In this way i would like to enlarge the mail space for her mail and side effect (less important) bufferize the service. Can some one help me to make something like that? i hope you understand my english and what i want to do. Thanks in advance!
Hi again! Now i know how to download the mail an put it inside some local mail box ( thanks to this tuttorial ).. but for the smtp?Can i simply relay?