Mail Server Backup

Discussion in 'General' started by nibb, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. nibb

    nibb New Member

    Hi, I installed ISP config via CentOs perfect guide and it works great. I had some problems at first with mail but looking on the forums i reconfigured things and now all services work fine.

    My question is how can I use the Postfix / ISPConfig Mail server as a backup server?

    My current domains uses Mx10 and points to the local mail server on a server which uses Qmail.

    I have to say that Postfix is far better.

    I have read that addon a second MX maybe MX11 will do the trick right? If Mx10 fails then MX11 will go up?

    Mx11 i want to point to the PostFix / ISPConfig server

    My question is what do i have to set up on the ISPConfig server so it takes mails from the other server? Im sure it will just reject a email account if not even those domains are hosted there.

    ISPConfig rocks, i knew we germans are great Coders by the way.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. nibb

    nibb New Member

    Thanks thats a good into. Except you have to add the users manually. And also ISPConfig uses PostFix and the other server has Qmail !!! :(
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Which server should be your backup MX? The Postfix server or the one with qmail?

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