mail server only

Discussion in 'General' started by iceman42, Nov 4, 2006.

  1. iceman42

    iceman42 New Member

    I'm setting up a mail server for and I am setting it up so that some admins that I have who are not Linux competent can setup email addresses and other setting like that without me having a heart attack everytime they have to do something on the command line. I am also installing Maia Mailguard to control the all the virus and spam management. will ISPconfig work well to allow me to manage 1 domain and allow me to configure and setup mail users? also is there any issues with ISPconfig and Maia working together?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig will allow you to manage your mail users and addresses, but i dont know Maia Mailguard. ISPConfig comes with its own integrated spamfilter and antivirus.

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