Mail Server Setup . Please Help

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by durjoy, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. durjoy

    durjoy New Member

    now how to forge is my last hope . last 10 days all day and nights i have been trying to fix this issue . let me explain everything one by one
    my server is dedicated server which is located in infolink datacenter new orleans -

    IP is 64.251.1570 addditional IP is -

    domain name -

    OS. FC-5 - with webmin and CP-Ispconfig

    whenever i try to create Mx for from ispconfig control panel it automaticaly add www with that . however i left hostname empty . though my mail server isnt appearing in's report . then i have inserted MX record manualy which is --

    IN MX 10
    webmail IN CNAME mail
    mail IN A

    then i saw - in its showing alright . and finaly my email arrived in gmail junk folder . but no sign in yahoo and hotmail . however i have asked my provider they provide me their smtp relay address which is . now when i have sent email it gone to gmail inbox. good . solved i went to for rest after so many sleepless days and night . comeback in the next morning found . my users invitation mails and news letter all of them in mailquee ( postfix ) with this erorr message " delivery temporarily suspended: unknown mail transport error " 220 mail in qeuee . i thought it could be problem of my smtp relay they are not accepting mass mailing or mail via httpd ( [email protected] ) . however i i have removed smtp relay . and tried to send few invitations mail and mail from mysitefrom . now same thing same message" delivery temporarily suspended: unknown mail transport error " please help . i have tried stop postfix and using send mail but unable to start sendmail due to some reason send mail isnt working .

    now i cant find any solutions for " delivery temporarily suspended: unknown mail transport error " . there is more than 400 mails in the qeuee

    please help
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Instead of creating the record manually, you could have used ISPConfig's DNS Manager for this.

    Can you post the exact error message from /var/log/maillog?
  3. durjoy

    durjoy New Member

    i have uninstall postfix

    dear . falko

    i have uninstall postfix and installed sendmail manualy . and test by sending mail from my website's invitation form . its working great . but problem is i cant see any old users mailbox from sendmail user mailbox . i can successfuly login to to webmail with old user name and password . but whenever send email it just doesnt go . its seems that send mail havnt intigrated with my server nor with ispconfig . any solutions .

    your help is last hope.


    Kind Regards

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Why did you replace Postfix with Sendmail? Sendmail is a lot harder to manage than Postfix...
  5. durjoy

    durjoy New Member

    postfix was giving damn erro

    as post fix was giving god damn eror which i couldnt fix for one week . all the mail was qeueeing up with error message " delivery temporarily suspended: unknown mail transport error " . trust me it made me crazy i had no choice . however now sendmail deliverying all of my mail correctly . mail even doesnt qeuee up for longer . just problem is i cant login with my old email addresses . is there anyway to fix it .


    Kind Reagrds

  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can try to set the virtusertable path to /etc/mail/virtusertable and the local-host-names path to /etc/mail/local-host-names in ISPConfig (Management > Server > Settings > Email).
    Change something afterwards in ISPConfig so that the new files get written.

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