Mail Server setup..

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by colskinet, Feb 19, 2011.

  1. colskinet

    colskinet New Member

    Hi All

    I am following this tutorial and have a couple of problems:

    1. I don't seem to have any home mailboxes under /home/vmail. If I create the domain name folder and then a username underneath that folder, when trying to send a test mail using mailx it says permission denied to the folder. How do I create these folders from scratch??

    2. I am removing an Exchange Server and putting this email server in its place. I wish to send the messages to a Spamsnake server ( from this new email server ( as this is where the new mailboxes are.. When I add the new SMTP server in Spamsnake it says it is not accepting mail for the domain! Any ideas? If I point it back to the Exchange server all works ok.

    I can post logs/config files if needed

    Thanks in advance.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Mailboxes are created automatically when the first email arrives.

    Any errors in your mail log?

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