Mail still showing up in /var/spool/mail

Discussion in 'General' started by unixfox, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. unixfox

    unixfox New Member

    I deleted some old email accounts and thought that was the end of them. However, I began noticing that some, not all are still getting mail in the /var/www/spool/mail directories. If I don't keep an eye on them they get pretty big in size because of spam.

    I can delete the file(s) and low and behold as soon as an email comes through the file is back. I tried removing permissions, but STILL the email continues to come through. I tried removing ALL instances of the user accounts and I'll be damned if they don't show back up as soon as an email comes through.

    Does anybody have a clue on this?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. tebokkel

    tebokkel New Member

    Which mailer daemon do you use?
    Maildir, mbox, or ... ?

    Do you mean /var/spool/mail (subject) or /var/www/spool/mail (body) or might it be /var/mail (where mbox-mail lives)?

  3. unixfox

    unixfox New Member

    Thanks for your help
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you delete these accounts also from the recycle bin in ISPConfig?

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