mail stop on one account

Discussion in 'General' started by provell, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. provell

    provell New Member


    I have an ISPCONFIG server running with debian/etch for some time now.
    One account had some trouble from time to time with 2 of it's 5 email account.

    Problem was that they could not receive anything or send anything.
    Most worrying was that there was not a single error message, no reply email with box full, or somthing exceeded if you send a mail to that account.
    Sending a mail would sometimes produces such a mail.

    Now a different client also has the same problem on one of his 3 email accounts.
    Setting the WebSpace MB: from 50 to 100 again solved the problem.
    But the problem always comes back after 5 or 6 monts(or longer) and then I have to increase the WebSpace MB: count.

    The mail.err logfile does produce a lot of information according to that specific account: (changed the account name for security reasons)
    Nov 8 07:22:27 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[15803]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 07:46:22 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[16344]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 09:10:13 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[18028]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 10:11:24 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[19174]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 11:34:59 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[20984]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 11:43:46 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[21237]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 12:38:55 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[22341]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 12:40:48 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[22415]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 12:50:16 websrv01 courierpop3login: Error while saving courierpop3dsizelist, user=mailaccountname01
    Nov 8 12:59:36 websrv01 courierpop3login: Error while saving courierpop3dsizelist, user=mailaccountname01
    Nov 8 13:00:41 websrv01 last message repeated 3 times
    Nov 8 13:19:40 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[23296]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 14:41:31 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[25434]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 15:34:54 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[26720]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 15:40:42 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[26892]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 16:01:21 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[27367]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 16:31:37 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[28133]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 17:01:40 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[28753]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 17:50:44 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[29675]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 17:51:52 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[29728]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 18:41:49 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[30809]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 19:35:37 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[32011]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 21:36:27 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[2149]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 22:06:19 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[2838]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 8 23:11:54 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[4347]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 9 00:00:25 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[6663]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 9 00:42:36 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[7623]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 9 00:46:28 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[7700]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 9 01:30:25 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[8673]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 9 01:33:51 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[8729]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 9 01:52:20 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[9138]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 9 02:07:15 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[9503]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 9 03:33:03 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[11314]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 9 03:59:28 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[11884]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 9 06:32:59 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[18904]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 9 07:03:40 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[19489]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 9 07:10:08 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[19624]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error
    Nov 9 09:28:29 websrv01 postfix/sendmail[23187]: fatal: mailaccountname01(10036): queue file write error

    Now I noticed the file "courierpop3dsizelist" in the ~maildir directory of the client.
    I also noticed that not every client has one in it's ~maildir?

    What is the best way to prevent this from hapening to other accounts?
    Is there something I have to configure?

    Thanks in advance for any reply.

    Rgds Edo
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Basically the client reached its quota. So there is no problem with your setup.

    Does this client deletes its emails or does he keep the emails in his maildir?
  3. provell

    provell New Member

    no mail in box

    Thanks for the reply by the way.

    Maybe I left out some essential information, sorry:rolleyes:

    The user has no mail in his inbox on the server, none.
    "WebSpace MB: 50" doen't mean that you can send 50mb or so on mail each month right?
    It means that you have 50mb space on the server.
    But in these case the user has no mail on the server at all.
    He donloads it to his workstation on his job.

    Rgds Edo
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you check quota with
    repquota -avug
  5. provell

    provell New Member


    I gues we are on to something here.
    The repquota command showed that the account that is having mailtroulble is over it's previous qouta of 50mb and is now using 53mb.
    Currenlty the limit(that I raised it to) is 100mb.

    Problem is that when i check the Maildir directory in the clients webspace, there are just a few mails of today.
    When I do a "du -h new" command in there to check the size of the combined mails, it says it contains only 564k.
    That is correct with what I am seeing.

    So where is the other 53mb holding up?

    I have the same with the other troubled accounts by the way.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    To check the quota, use the command:

    repquota -avug

    check the /tmp directory and /var/spool/mail
  7. provell

    provell New Member


    You said:
    I did that, and the user has reached his quota.
    But where is the data that uses up this quota?

    Shouldn't it be in the ~Maildir directory?
    The ~Maildir directory is only containing a few mails and not 50mb(hardlimit).

    And why is the quota still reached after the user has deleted all his mail?

    Thanks in advance.

    Rgds Edo
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please check the directories that I mentioned above.
  9. provell

    provell New Member

    still no clue

    please remind that I upgraded the "WebSpace MB:" from 50mb to 100mb because of the mail problem.

    repquota -avug
    Block limits File limits
    User used soft hard grace used soft hard grace
    rbrand01 -- 53944 102400 103424 1729 0 0

    /tmp directory has some files, nothing to do with mail olnly a few kb's total

    /var/spool/mail directory has a file from every mail-user I have.
    Most of them 0kb and not touched since creation date.
    Some(5%) are larger but they haven't been touched for over a year or more.

    The size of the ~maildir directory of the clients website is still a few kb's and hold only mails of today.

    So still no clue to where the data is piling up.
    I did a repquota -avug a few day's ago and this was the output:

    Block limits File limits
    User used soft hard grace used soft hard grace
    rbrand01 -- 53732 102400 103424 1766 0

    It looks like the used space is growing a bit every day(and that is the real problem here).
    But infact the client empty's his mail every day.

    Is it possible to do a search on all the files on the server that are from that user?
    Or is my quota tool not getting the right information?

    Thanks for any reply's in advance.

    Rgds Edo
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Use the command:

    find / -user rbrand01

    to find the files.
  11. provell

    provell New Member

    no luck

    I executed the command succesfull.

    Even did:
    find / -user rbrand01 -type f -size +50000k -> nothing
    find / -user rbrand01 -type d -size +50000k -> nothing

    This means as far as I can see that the qouta is not correct for this user.
    It keeps adding up somehow every time a mail is received.

    Is it possible to set the qouta to 0 for this one user without screwing up the whole qouta system?

    Rgds Edo

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