Hi, I check my mail warn-log today and got this: Code: Aug 28 13:25:37 webserver postfix/smtp[23088]: warning: numeric domain name in resource data of MX record for ieg.com.br: Aug 28 13:41:23 webserver postfix/smtp[4395]: warning: numeric domain name in resource data of MX record for ieg.com.br: Aug 28 13:41:24 webserver postfix/smtp[4416]: warning: numeric domain name in resource data of MX record for ieg.com.br: The thing is I didn't setup this domain "ieg.com.br" at my server, and can't find anything releated to it at ISPConfig control panel. What this means and how can I fix it? Thank's
If this is not your domain name, then you can not do anything, just ignore the warning. MX records may only contain hostnames and not IP addresses and this domain uses an IP address in the DNS MX record which is invalid.
That's not one of my domains,.. So, if there's not security issue I'll just ignore.. Just to make it clear to me... I understand what the message means, but, if I didn't setup this domais, why this warnign appear at log??? thank you...
Your emailserver received or delivered a email from / to that server, he tries to resolve the domain name and fornd that the dns record was not correct and logged that.