This entries I find sometimes in Code: Apr 6 08:42:36 server1 postfix/local[19112]: B3CD91F698: to=<[email protected]>, relay=local, delay=4, status=bounced (maildir delivery failed: create /var/spool/uucp/Maildir/tmp/ Permission denied) I'm right in the assumption that postfix is accepting this mail at first, than trying to create somthing (I don't understand what an whatfor) and at least after the mail is already passed through the "Permission denied" arrise?
Postfix tries to create the Maildir directory for the user uucp. What's the output of Code: grep uucp /etc/passwd and Code: ls -la /var/spool/uucp ?
Code: server01:~# grep uucp /etc/passwd uucp:x:10:10:uucp:/var/spool/uucp:/bin/sh Code: server01:~# ls -la /var/spool/uucp ls: /var/spool/uucp: No such file or directory
Yes, if you want to receive emails for uucp. But you could also create an alias for uucp in /etc/aliases so that someone else receives those mails. In that case you don't need the uucp directory.