Maildir Quota Problem

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by grafzahl, Mar 7, 2008.

  1. grafzahl

    grafzahl New Member


    i have set up a new site with webspace of 200MB. After that i set up a new user (Adminaccount) with webspace of 100MB. Now i get 19 eMail with 5MB attachments (95MB). After a while i get an email from ISPC with the information that a user are near or already over their quota limit (100MB). Thats right.

    Now i get a email with 10MB attachment. The email was bounced and the sender get an information of "quota exceed". Thats right too.

    Now i set the the users webspace to 150MB. A look in quota -avug give me the okay for succeful setting.

    Now i get again the email with 10MB attachment but the email bounced with "quota exceed" again. :mad:

    After a while i get a the same email from ISPC like above. 95MB from 100MB used.

    Whats wrong ?

    Quota says 95MB used and 150MB limit. Must any service restarted after quota change ?

    Greets from Germany
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please check the quota limit and usage of the user and group with the command:

    repquota -avug

  3. grafzahl

    grafzahl New Member

    Okay, i have found the problem. :cool:

    The amount of users webspace was greater than the group webspace. In this case quota dont update the user.

    In future i wish ISPC give an error message if users webspace exceed the group webspace on webspace update.

    Greets from Germany.

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