
Discussion in 'General' started by ChristianFe, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. ChristianFe

    ChristianFe New Member

    Hi everyone,

    my server is running the current version of ISPConfig 3, without any problems. I'm using it to host a few websites and and assorted mail domains.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction for setting up a mailinglist ?
    For a club, whose website I'm hosting, I need two mailinglists.

    I tried the search but didn't really find anything.

    Thanks already

  2. ChristianFe

    ChristianFe New Member

    Anyone got any replies for my original question ?

    Also: Is there a way to filter stuff that is forwarded ?
    I've got a few users who want their mail forwarded to external mailboxes but would like it to be filtered beforehand.


  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is no mailoinglist support in ispconfig. So you might have to setup e.g. mailman manually. On the mailman homepage there is some documentation on how to setup mailinglists in a postfix virtual user setup.

    Forwarded mails are filtered for spam and viruses. Other filters can not be applied.

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