mailman list cleanup

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by ac15, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. ac15

    ac15 Member


    i've been experimenting with mailing lists, creating, testing and deleting via ispconfig. now i found that there is a little problem, it seems that there are still traces of deleted lists in the system. specifically in the /var/lib/mailman/data/transport-mailman i found an email adress/list name of a list that shouldn't exist anymore. this seems to cause problems with receiving mails. i used the address ([email protected]) for testing purposes, now i want to use it as a normal mailbox. i deleted the list and the mailbox itself and recreated it afterwards. now i can login and send mails from the [email protected], but the server rejects any incoming mail to this address. i get the mail log entry 'unknown user "test"' whenever i try to send a mail to [email protected].
    i guess my question is, can i completely purge all mailman lists and reset mailman to a fresh state? i think that may solve my issue.

    thanks & regards,

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