Mailman not working correctly

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by bluebirdnet, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. bluebirdnet

    bluebirdnet Member


    Hope someone can help, having so strange behaviour, dont know what to do anymore.

    Followed the guide Perfect Debian server, been running the ispconfig with some sites for a while now.

    So i added a new mailinglist from ISPConfig interface and the list is created. If i go to the url with servers hostname http://myhostname/cgi-bin/mailman/admin

    it works and i can manage the list etc. But the mailing list was created for use with the users domain (virtual host) in ispconfig.

    So going to http://usersdomain/cgi-bin/mailman/admin

    gives a error 404 - not found!

    I have the sumbolic link setup for ln -s /etc/mailman/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/mailman.conf

    if i edit that file mailman.conf and uncomment the <virtualhost> entry at bottom then it works for my users domain, but then ispconfig interface on port 8080 (https) stops working ?

    Also sending emails to the mailing list does nothing.

    thanks for any help
  2. bluebirdnet

    bluebirdnet Member

    does anyone have any ideas ?

    Does anyone have working mailman with virtual hosts ?

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