Hi, I have been happily using a server I setup using 'The Perfect Setup - Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Server (Dapper Drake)' and all is basically well... thanks! However, I have never managed to figure out how to maintain SpamAssassin. I have searched and generally read these forums and Googled for answers plus read the Spamassin docs' but still find that the only thing I figured out how to do doesn't seem to stopping much spam! At present I just run; '/home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/spamassassin/usr/bin/sa-update' from time to time (after having run; 'apt-get install libwww-perl libarchive-tar-perl' once) My head is spinning with all that I have read, and I figure there must be a basic set of things to do on a regular basis that would keep the spam down. So my question (after all the above!) is what day to day or week to week work should I perform in order to stay on top of the spam problem? Thank you in advance!
Usually SpamAssassin has auto-learning on, so there's no need to do anything. If it doesn't catch any spam, I'd first try to adjust the spam score. If that doesn't help, you can try the sa-learn command: http://spamassassin.apache.org/full/3.2.x/doc/sa-learn.html
Thank you Falko, my server does catch spam but is letting through an awfull lot that has words I am surprised it lets through. I have played with the 'spam score' which helped a bit. How do I check that auto learning is on and working properly? I have tried following the details in the link you provide. I ran; 'sa-learn --spam /var/www/web1/user/web1_user/Maildir/.Junk as well as the 'sa-learn --ham' command but with the same result; 'bash: sa-learn: command not found' I have read that the sa-learn is part of the SpamAssassin perl module, so I assume I have it but the system thinks not! Where am I going wrong, do I need to be in a specific directory when I run the command? Also you say that it should self learn without intervention, how can it do this, does it get info back from Roundcubemail, if so how? Thanks, Peter
Open /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/spamassassin/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf and enable Code: use_bayes 1 bayes_auto_learn 1
Thank you, I have 'un-commented' those lines and will now sit back and wait! I did try the 'sa-learn' command again and that still doesn't work?! I would really like to use that. Peter
I have followed the advice above but nothing has changed. I am running RoundCubeMail and put all spam into the 'Junk' folder but I still get the same amount of spam. It would help me if I knew how Spamassassin learnt, is it from putting spam into the Junk folder? I keep looking through the Spamassassin docs but nothing makes enough sense to me, maybe I am out of my depth here and shouldn't be running a mail server? Any further assistance would be very much appreciated though. Thanks.