Hi, I am playing with "compiling kernel the ubuntu way" (which is the same as debian way). It all works, but... suppose you want to try a patch to your kernel, possibly a little one. And you'd like to change for example the --append-to-version argument to identify which kernel is which. Now: if I do not do the make-kpkg clean step the following make-kpkg protests and do not compile the new kernel; if I do the make-kpkg clean then the whole kernel got recompiled (it issues a make clean) and I have to wait hours for a step that should be just a 5-minutes one. Is there any guru on line that can extend the (very useful) recipe with an "howto update a kernel the {ubuntu,debian} way"? Thanks
You could try to do this with module-assistant, but I don't know if this works with a self-compiled kernel.
Found it. At the end, I managed to do it "my way"... it was just a matter of trial and error. I have put a complete description here: https://www.dea.icai.upcomillas.es/romano/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Kernel HTH, Romano
my 1st post in the past a build a lot of them... now that i am older i need to read and note that stuff, No i note it on my page! http://wiki.mobbing-gegner.de/AmiloSi1520/amilo_1520_cannot_access_root_device One thing make me crazy... the initrd-ramfs stuff. Hope to find somesthing in the links. keep growing and thx. for info.