Making a Ubuntu Server 12.04 - only running the BOINC-client, LM-sensor, sendmail/pos

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by danhansen@denmark, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. danhansen@denmark

    danhansen@denmark Member HowtoForge Supporter


    Making a Ubuntu Server 12.04 - only running the BOINC-client, LM-sensor, running a shell script which uses sendmail/postfix to warn about high CPUtemp. and shutdowns the computer if it gets to hot!

    What I wan't to do:
    I'm running a ISPconfig3 Server on Ubuntu and it's running just fine! Actually it's running more than just fine! It's PERFECT!
    I'm running my own primary nameserver. webserver, mailserver, sqlserver etc. (ISPconfig3) and use fixed IP, router is using NAT and my ISPconfig3 server is using DMZ at this time.

    I'm trying to build a secure Ubuntu Server 12.04 only using the BOINC-client and LM-sensor as mentioned above.. Nothing else, no graphical stuff or anything...
    I need to make the servers safe, because my plan is to make the servers reachable from outside the LAN. This because I want to be able to contact the servers via SSH from outside at all times and because I've been testing a program called AndroBOINC, which works directly on the boinc-client.

    I gathered some inputs from other guides - from when I setup webservers and from the ubuntu forum network, but, I'm still not that good a building servers using the Linux OS. This is the reason for these questions.

    Here's what I found. First I'll show my idea, and then I'll show the complete guide's (without the text defining the commands/setups)

    In short:
    Ubuntu Server 12.04
    sendmail/postfix ???
    shell-script ( monitor/shutdown - warning via sendmail/postfix???)

    My idea:
    Building a secure Linux/Ubuntu 12.04 Server --> BOINC-client, LM-sensor ONLY! Running a "monitor CPUtemp" shell script & using AndroBOINC from outside and in
    1a. Running a shell script which monitors CPUtemp. Need a mailprogram to send/smtp alert mails from the CPUtemp shell script. Sendmail? Postfix? Included in Ubuntu Server!?!
    1b. Need some kind of protection program due to the use of a SMTP program???
    2. Need some kind of program to view log-files or make an intranet site to view server status!?! Any ideas?
    #1 Install and configure Firewall - ufw
    #2 Secure shared memory - fstab
    #3 SSH - Disable root login and change port
    #4 Protect su by limiting access only to admin group
    #5 Harden network with sysctl settings
    #6 Scan logs and ban suspicious hosts - DenyHosts and Fail2Ban
    #7 Intrusion Detection - PSAD
    #8 Check for RootKits - RKHunter and CHKRootKit
    #9 Scan open Ports - Nmap
    #10 Analyse system LOG files - LogWatch
    #11 SELinux - Apparmor
    #12 Audit your system security - Tiger
    #13 Amavisd-new,
    #14 SpamAssassin,
    #15 Clamav

    FROM "How to secure an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server. Part 1 The Basics" - WHICH IS A GOOD IDEA TO USE?
    Install and configure Firewall - ufw
    Secure shared memory - fstab
    SSH - Disable root login and change port
    Protect su by limiting access only to admin group
    Harden network with sysctl settings
    Disable Open DNS Recursion and Remove Version Info - Bind9 DNS
    Prevent IP Spoofing
    Harden PHP for security
    Restrict Apache Information Leakage
    Install and configure Apache application firewall - ModSecurity
    Protect from DDOS (Denial of Service) attacks with ModEvasive
    Scan logs and ban suspicious hosts - DenyHosts and Fail2Ban
    Intrusion Detection - PSAD
    Check for RootKits - RKHunter and CHKRootKit
    Scan open Ports - Nmap
    Analyse system LOG files - LogWatch
    SELinux - Apparmor
    Audit your system security - Tiger
    FROM "The Perfect Server - Ubuntu 12.04 LTS" - WHICH IS A GOOD IDEA TO USE?
    Change The Default Shell --> /bin/bash
    Disable AppArmor??? Due to complications !?!?
    Install rkhunter, binutils
    Install Amavisd-new, SpamAssassin, And Clamav
    FROM "Monitor critical temperatures in Ubuntu Server - Lucid/Karmic" - I MADE A SHELL SCRIPT BASED ON THIS

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