Mandriva - The Perfect Desktop

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Lvcoyote, Nov 15, 2007.

  1. Lvcoyote

    Lvcoyote New Member

    So far things are going great, but I do have a question before I do something I might regret. After loading all the repositories and then searching for the packages to install as per the guide, several of the packages are suggested to search for with the * command in the search function, for example searching for XMMS* brings up many items. I'm wondering if Falko intends for us to install everything that comes up??

    Quote from the guide:
    Browse the applications on the left (or even better, use the search field) and mark the following packages for installation (* is a wildcard; e.g. amule* means all packages that start with amule):

    * amule*
    * googleearth
    * amarok*
    * audacity
    * banshee*
    * gtkpod
    * xmms*
    * dvdrip
    * vlc*
    * mozilla-plugin-vlc
    * gnomebaker
    * azureus
    * bittorrent-gui
    * k3b*
    * kdewebdev* (not kdewebdev4*)
    * xine-*
    * libdvdcss2
    * win32-codecs
    * java-1.5.0.*
    * opera
    * flash-player-plugin
    * ntfs-3g
    * mozilla-thunderbird
    * mplayer*
    * kompozer
    * bluefish
    * cabextract (needed by msttcorefonts)
    * libstdc++5 (needed by realplayer)
    * kernel-source (needed by VMware Server)
    * kernel-desktop-devel-latest (needed by VMware Server)
    * xinetd (needed by VMware Server)
    * perl-devel (needed by VMware Server)

    As you can see there are several packages he wants us to search for using the * wild card, and when I do multiple package options come up. I just dont want to install more than I need to.....

    Thanks for any guidance !!!
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    When I say that you should install amule*, I mean: search for amule, and then install all packages that begin with amule.

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