Manual Additions in Configuration Files

Discussion in 'General' started by DiOmega, Apr 27, 2006.

  1. DiOmega

    DiOmega New Member

    According to the ISPconfig Manual you can make manual Additions in these Configuration Files:

    * virtusertable (Sendmail/Postfix)
    * local-host-names (Sendmail/Postfix)
    * named.conf (BIND DNS-Server)
    * Zone-Files (BIND DNS-Server)
    * Reverse-Zone-Files (BIND DNS-Server)

    What about the other Configuration Files? Which will get overwritten from ISPconfig? I have to change global Settings in my.cnf and php.ini, will they get overwritten?

    (Sorry for bad English)
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, ISPConfig doesn't touch these files. :)
  3. DiOmega

    DiOmega New Member

    Thank You for the fast Response.

    Is a list of changed Configfile available?

    At the moment we have a Problem with a particular SPAMer (1 Costumer get thousands Mails from one Domain).
    ISP-Config can't handle manual Blacklist's.
    Are Postfix ( and SpamAssassin ( overwritten or are they a safe Place to manually add Blacklist's?
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, they aren't changed by ISPConfig, you can edit them.
  5. DiOmega

    DiOmega New Member

    Thank You for the fast Response.
    I love this Community. :)

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