Hi guys, here is the link to the italian translation of the ISPConfig manual. http://www.shinesoftware.com/ispconfigmanuale Let us know if it can be added in the Help section of the ISPConfig software. Regards.
oops! Please check it now The Italian translation is not litterally adherent to the English version due to necessity to make quite comprehensible the meaning of the instructions. You will find out some differences between the Italian version of the ISPConfig and the corrisponding manual (e.g. "Master Data" = "Anagrafica" and not "Dati Master" which means nothing in Italian) Regards
Great! I've just added it to the documentation page: http://www.ispconfig.org/documentation.htm Thanks a lot!
Hi Falko, I have uploaded the translation and split the manual in three parts. - Administrator Manual - Reseller Manual - Customer Manual here is the link: http://www.shinesoftware.com/ispconfigmanuale We would be pleased if the Shine Software Company will be considered as a contributor of ISPConfig project. Regards.
Poichè l'interfaccia non è stata ancora tradotta completamente (almeno quella che ho io), risulta piuttosto difficile seguire le istruzioni del manuale. Inoltre le immagini riportano l'interfaccia in inglese. Credo che sarebbe utile mettere tra parentesi il termine originale:Tipo (Folder), ecc. Nell'esempio fatto sarebbe stato meglio tradurre Folder con "Cartella" visto che corrisponde a una cartella nella struttura ad albero mostrata a sinistra. A proposito dove si trova il file con la traduzione italiana dell'interfaccia? Forse potrei collaborare nella traduzione. Ciao e grazie per il lavoro fatto. Nino
I know that the language of this forum is English (even if I've seen a post in Japanese!), but my message was a 'technical' messagge meant to the Italian translator. Perhaps I had to send it to his private address, but the heading of the thread misled me! Sorry! Anyway here it is its translation: