In a cluster environment with a loadbalancer bechind nodes, 've the problem that log access for stats are splitted in each node. There is a way a to log or merge the log before the generation of the daily stats?
There is no builtin function in ispconfig. Basically it should work with s script like this: you will have to do this after 0:00 but before 0:30 (or you change the daily cronjob in ispconfig to start at a later time).
Assuming the perfect setup for cluster, with scp available without password... Let's say somethink like this? Code: #!/bin/bash server2=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy tempdir=/tmp/stats if [ ! -e $tempdir ]; then mkdir $tempdir; fi for f in $( ls /var/www/ ); do cp "/var/www/"$f"/log/access.log" "/tmp/stats/"$f".access.log."$server1; scp "root@"$server2":/var/www/"$f"/log/access.log" "/tmp/stats/"$f".access.log."$server2; /usr/share/awstats/tools/ "/tmp/stats/"$f".access.log.*" > "/var/www/"$f"/log/access.log"; done Put that in crontab about 0:05 ?
This is a little improved version, using only logs for websistes and generating no error for other folders like apps, clients and similar. Skip also index.html Code: #!/bin/bash server2=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy tempdir=/tmp/stats if [ ! -e $tempdir ]; then mkdir $tempdir; fi for f in $( ls /var/www/*\.* -d | grep -v index.html ); do site=$( basename $f); cp "/var/www/"$site"/log/access.log" "/tmp/stats/"$site".access.log."$server1; scp "root@"$server2":/var/www/"$site"/log/access.log" "/tmp/stats/"$site".access.log."$server2; /usr/share/awstats/tools/ "/tmp/stats/"$site".access.log.*" > "/var/www/"$site"/log/access.log"; done I'll try to schedule every night at 0:05 and chek what heappens