Master/Master DB duplicates

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by brainsys, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. brainsys

    brainsys Member

    SHOW SLAVE STATUS \G shows slaves are not running and replication ended with a duplicate error on dbispconfig2. Having cleared the first duplication it comes up with another (on dbispconfig2). I don't know if there will be more.

    Is it safe to stop both mariadb servers, do a mysqdump of dbispconfig1 and reload to dbispconfig2? Will I need to clear the backlog before restarting?

    I suspect the cause was me mistakenly doing stuff on Server2 when I thought I was on Server1 because it had not replicated.

    UNISON is humming along nicely in the background.
  2. brainsys

    brainsys Member

    Fixed it. Deft use of phpMyAdmin and SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE; got them back again.
    I go this hint from He recommends you do it the proper way but as I knew there had not been may updates since replication failed - I could take the risk and check they had gone through properly.

    Sorry I'm in on a crash (not literally I hope) course on MySQL.

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