Mastering ISPConfig

Discussion in 'General' started by llamy, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. llamy

    llamy New Member


    I'm very new to Internet and understand a little about apache. My aim is to masterize Ispconfig in order for me to setup an Isp to host multiple websites.

    1) Is it possible to do this at home without any static IP, to host like 3 websites on my Dynamic Ip with Ispconfig, and when all the websites will be built up , get an Static IP for them. for example :

    website1 :
    website2 :
    website3 :


    website1 :
    website2 :
    website3 :

    2) I need some more Knowledge about configuring a DNS Server with ISPConfig and Virtual hosting as well, i do not understand very well how ISPConfig deals with those features. Is there any documentation to manage with a clear understanding all those features of ISPConfig, so that i can mistarize this ISPConfig to setup my ISP ? because the manual is just a user guide to create reseller and customer stuff but does not give you a real understanding of ISPConfig.

    Please help. Thanks.
  2. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    In principle what you want is possible, but one of the thing you really need is a static IP-address for your Internet connection! If your server is behind a router, it should have a static internal IP-address as well.
  3. llamy

    llamy New Member

    Thanks Hans!

    Thanks for your reply,

    1) Now if i get a static IP (BTW i'm not behind a router) what should i do for webspaces and the DNS stuff ?.

    because what i'm having now is this shared IP message, because of that i have deleted some websites, but still the shared IP message is there and bind is offline, i cannot get bind stop and started, about the deleted websites i did not find them in the recycle bean, but before when i go to phpmyadmin i was able to see my database (web1_db1), now i nannot see it anymore only inside the ISPConfig database, i can see that web_db1 is there inside i believe isp.ispdbsite (something like that not sure because i'm not at home now).

    2) So the second question is : ist it possible to get bind working i'm thinking by deleting some entries in named.config, i saw aomething like that in this forum, i'm sure this is because of the deleted websites.

    3) Is there any way to get back my web1_db1 on (visible in phpmyadmin) because i cannot see the web1_db1 as before in the reseller Option, and when i try to create it, it says ISPConfig cannot create database for this website. I need it badly to work because my Joomla under web1 says this site is temporarly unaivailable. And i have a lot of stuff in web1_db1 that was use to setup Joomla, and now i believe joomla cannot connect to it.

    4) Now If by your helps i get those stuff working will it be possible to build up the website and at the end get get a static IP that i will put under IspConfig Management -->Server settings.

    Thanks very much for your reply and helps.

  4. TexasTaz

    TexasTaz New Member

    Re: Your Issues with DNS

    I hope this helps.

  5. llamy

    llamy New Member

    Thanks TT!

    I will try now what you advised and let you know very fast. I really appreciate your help.

  6. llamy

    llamy New Member

    Thanks TT!

    Yes it does help. Indeed i followed exactly what you said and everything was in the recycle bean under DNS Manager, and also inside the recycle bean of the reseller and Customer i've found what i was looking for. The only thing is that i found out that my joomla table (_jos) was gone when i restored web_db1 so i had to reinstall Joomla again but it is better that to reinstall everything again. I also made an additionnal IP adress for eth0 and on this new adress i have created a website with ISPConfig in order to anable SSL for this new site under the SSL Tab, it works fine but the thing is that i can still access my new site with http.

    basically works fine but also works.

    How can i get rid of http and use only https for my new site.

  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  8. llamy

    llamy New Member

    thanks Till !

    I will give a try and let you know. Thx.

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