Maximim message size

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by HackerJL, Aug 18, 2006.

  1. HackerJL

    HackerJL New Member

    I have been running ISPconfig for a good 6 months on one server and found that someone was trying to send me a message abour 10MB of size. Turns out that I cant accept that size of message? Where can I go and change that. The ISPconfig system shows that I have unlimited space (-1) but thats not the same as maximum message size per message.

    I searched the forums, cant find this question asked, I assume it should have been asked.
  2. HackerJL

    HackerJL New Member

    change the message_size_limit in the /etv/postfix/ file. Restarted and good to go.
  3. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    I wouldn't raise that limit. Most mailserver limit it to 10MB so if you start sending mails bigger than 10MB they will most likely be refused by the other ones.

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