mcrypt support for bundled PHP

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by bolero, Jul 9, 2008.

  1. bolero

    bolero New Member

    Would you consider compiling the bundled PHP with mcrypt? This is obviously necessary if you change PHPMyAdmin authentication to "cookie" (which is standard practice). The login without mcrypt support works fine, but displays an error message at the bottom of each page that tells about the missing mcrypt support. It would be nice being able to get rid of that as it triggers user questions. Also, I'm not sure if the login security without mcrypt is now lower or not, I hope it is not ;-)
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I've added this to our bugtracker.
  3. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    This feature has been requested during release ISPConfig 2.2.23.
    Now with ISPConfig 2.2.25, mcrypt is still not included in the bundle.

    mcrypt is recommended for PHPMyAdmin on 32 bits machines and even required on 64 bit machines.

    Is there any reason for this delay?
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    This change requires a lot of testing - we must test this on all supported distributions and versions...
  5. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Ok then, i understand.
    I wanted to know this Falko, because i am the one who maintains the phpMyAdmin packages.
    I don't want to cause problems, with the new upcoming phpMyAdmin 3.0.0 version.
  6. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    phpMyAdmin 2.11.9 and up do need mcrypt!

    If mcrypt is not included in the bundle, probably it is better not to use the phpMyAdmin package for ISPConfig anymore.

    I realise that Apache 1.3 is only ment to serve ISPConfig.
    ISPConfig itself does not need other dependencies to operate, so I ask myself:
    Is better to use apps like phpMyAdmin on Apache2 on port 80 or 443....?

    Attached Files:

  7. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member Moderator

    I've implemented mcrypt and tested it for two days and nights on the latest distributions (i386 and x86_64), and it's working. It will be part of the 2.2.26 ISPConfig release. :)
  8. JeGr

    JeGr Member

    Great! I would sure prefer to run phpMyAdmin with ISPConfig integration (Adminpanel) listening on ISPC config/secure port - good thing as one can reuse the certificate for the control panel and don't have to use a second (sub)domain for that.

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