Media Streaming Server-

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by pcburner, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. pcburner

    pcburner New Member

    A How-To I would like to see is a Media Streaming Server using Jinzora but here's the kicker. Using an embedded player for video/avi's and another player for mp3/audio or use Realplayer or Helix for both audio/video but also embedded as well. Then to stream over SSL and send out emails as new users register on the server. I am not asking for much just someone to hold my hand. But I would like this done with CentOS 5.1. There is some documentation on the net but most of it is outdated or has broken links so it makes it difficult to get it done. I've tried the Helix thing but man that is just way too complex for my brain to handle right now with the flu, and bronchitis kick my butt. So any help is much appreciated.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2008

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