Hi out there! Is it possible to send an notify-email if a not well public mailbox revice an email? We want to monitor a mailbox "privatembox@" and if a new mail is recieved, a new email like "there is a new message" should be sent to a shared mailbox "office@". We dont want do forward the recieved message, beacause the content of the private message is not for all users who have access to the shared mailbox. I checked out the sieve-syntax, but sieve isnt well docmented. Is it possible to do this with sieve? Or do we need some other tools? (We use ISPconfig, dovecot and sieve || Clients roundcube and thunderbird) Thank you for all inputs! Martin
Have a look at the sieve notify extension: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5435 So I guess something like this is what you are searching for: Code: require "enotify"; notify :importance "2" :message "We got a secret email" "mailto:[email protected]";
Thank you Till - it works well! Thank you for the link to this extension and especially for the script!