Migrate ISPConfig From CentOS 6.7 to CentOS 7

Discussion in 'General' started by FSNTiger, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. FSNTiger

    FSNTiger Member

    I am looking to update all our production servers that are currently running CentOS 6.7 to CentOS 7. I plan to do a clean install following the perfect server guide:

    The servers were originally built using the perfect server guide for CentOS 6.5 / CentOS 6.7 (one server is newer). We have 4 total servers setup using a multi-server install of ISPConfig. I cannot lose the websites (around 25) and email setups (like 50+ accounts) + all the data and emails contained within.

    I found these directions:

    But they are for a different OS not CentOS and it also refers to them being similar in version vs this is a completely new version.

    Could someone give me some steps on how to do this migration / upgrade for CentOS? Should I start with the children servers and then do the parent? My biggest concern is different software packages and ISPConfig handling that.
  2. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    If you have the ability to setup ispconfig on all the new servers before taking down the old, ie. so both installs are online at once, the ispconfig migration tool ought to do the job (http://www.ispconfig.org/add-ons/).

    Ground up installs do have some merits, but that sort of thing sure makes me appreciate debian based systems that support dist-upgrade :)
  3. FSNTiger

    FSNTiger Member

    Unfortunately I do not, the install will go back on the same hardware. They have a upgrade tool for CentOS 6 to 7. However it does not work currently (big warning on their website). I am trying to increase security so I want to get the latest packages. If I virtual the current server could I use the tool to migrate from that to the new server? Would I just migrate each child and then the parent?
  4. FSNTiger

    FSNTiger Member

    Is CentOS 7 that much more secure than CentOS 6.7 that is updated completely (and running the Remi repo for PHP 5.6 and Mysql 5.5)? Should I be worried about not getting updates? i know CentOS 6.7 is supported until 2020, but that does not mean each install package is.

    I just want to ensure I have a working, fully patched and secured server. I am quite happy with how they are running right now.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If you issue are just PHP versions, then compile newer PHP versions as additional PHP for ispconfig and select that in the websites.

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