Migrate Squirrelmail data to a new server

Discussion in 'Technical' started by dpicella, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. dpicella

    dpicella New Member

    I there a procedure for moving all squirrelmail boxes to a new server?

    Thanks in advance! Cheers!
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do you use Maildir or mbox?
  3. dpicella

    dpicella New Member

    My squirrelmail install uses Maildir (also note fedora 10 using courier-imap and ispconfig 3)
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  5. dpicella

    dpicella New Member

    Squirrelmail Maildir migration

    I think I need to enable plain text logins for this to work. Does anyone know how to config imap this way?

  6. dpicella

    dpicella New Member

    Nevermind ... solved

    Follow the directions at:

    I modified the imapsync command line as follows to use plain text passwords. I think it is good to put your passwords in a file so that anyone who can look at system processes won't see them (see the website above).

    imapsync --host1 [oldhost.com] --user1 [oldhostusername] --passfile1 [/tmp/passwordfile] --authmech1 PLAIN --host2 [newhost.com] --user2 [newhostusername] --passfile2 [/tmp/passwordfile] –authmech2 PLAIN

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