I'm in the process of trying to migrate email from backup files to a new server. I have the migration tool, but in trying to fix the database on the old server, I pooched the authentication on the old server. Because of that, I can't use the migration tool. I have re-created the domains and mailboxes on the new server. I have moved the whole vmail folder over to the new server to replace the vmail on the new server and when I go into the webmail client it sees there is email there but won't show it (see pic). I think this is related to the server id. Any idea how I can fix it? Thanx.
Does old and new server use both Dovecot Imap, or does the old one uses courier and the new one dovecot? And take care that all copied files and folders have the right owner, run: chown -R vmail:vmail /var/vmail to force the correct ownership of all copied email files.