Migrating ISPconfig3

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by g00fy, Mar 20, 2018.

  1. g00fy

    g00fy New Member

    I am in the middle of migrating ISPconfig3 to a new server. The old server runs on php5, the new one php7.
    I followed the procedure found in other threads of the forum:
    - Backup web* and user accounts from passwd/groups/shadow.
    - Backup /var/www, /var/vmail and /etc.
    - Backup databases.
    - Restore all on the new server.

    Before restore ISPconfig3 is working fine. But after restore it isn't. In the logs there are entries about a wrong MySQL password. So I changed that with the password in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/config.inc.php and /usr/local/ispconfig/server/config.inc.php.
    Now I could login again in ISPConfig3 on the new server. But now ISPConfig thinks i's running on the old host and holds the old hostname and IP address in it's config. So I changed that under System..Server config and did a resync. The config files of nginx, postfix, etc are being generated, but when I try to go to a host in a browser I get a server error.

    So, there must be something wrong.... ;-). What is the right why of migrating my ISPConfig instance?
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    There is Migration Tool just for that purpose: https://www.ispconfig.org/add-ons/ispconfig-migration-tool/
    If you want to do it without migration tool, is the ISPConfig version the same on old and new servers? Is the operating system a different version? If yes, have you checked everything in the Perfect Server quide for that OS is done?

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