Hello, This might be a silly question, but I'l looking to moving some sites to being managed with ispconfig. These sites are not owned by me so I must replicate all database users/passwords and directory paths (or they break). I need to change the default web root from /some/path/web to /some/path/htdocs That is... web root must be in a directory called "htdocs" and not "web". I can change all path with ispconfig, except the final "web" dir. How do I change that final part (?) It's ok to mod a module (but which one?) Edit: Being a little impatient, I did some grepping in ispconfig and so far I seem to have found that the relevant paths are hard-coded in apache2_pligin.inc.php and nginx_plugin.inc For example here we have: $app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/web'; Perhaps this thread needs moving in "Development" now. I'm willing to add the patch to change the fixed /web to a variable /$WEB_DIR Falko: can I proceed?