I have cluster: panel web1 ns1 ns2 Now, I want to migrate panel server (central of all things) to the new VPS. Is there any special steps to take?
You can do that e.g. with ISPCopy. ISPCopy is part of the ISPConfig Migration Toolkit https://www.ispconfig.org/add-ons/ispconfig-migration-tool/ Or you can do it manually, there are various posts here in the forum on that topic. or use a Linux backup software to back up the old system and restore it on the new one. Take care that the new system uses the same let#s encrypt client, and you'll have to edit the /etc/hosts files on all nodes afterwards to reflect the IP change (if IP changes) and you'll have to run an ispconfig update with reconfigure permission in master database on each slave node after you moved the master server.
For anyone who will find this thread I have few sugggestions if you on a migrate route. Migration complication level strongly depends on what you migrate. I have moved cluster command server to new server. It was relatively easy to do: 1. Install ISPC on new server; 2. Dump DB from old server; 3. sed /old_ip/new_ip/ in that DB; 4. Import DB into new server; 5. Sync ISPC files, look out for passwords in conf files; 6. Launch re-sync from ISPC. That's it. Now, I had to move NS1 server. Ou boy, that was way more harder. All steps from above + extensive database update across all servers in the cluster. DNS server_id was all over the place. So, the more complex task cluster member do - the more complicated migration will be. Should you pay 59 EUR for transfer script? Yes, if you move data more than 2 times a year. Also, script purchase will support developers of ISPC and they deserve each cent!
The steps you did will likely work fine for a mail or DNS server. For a web server, you will likely get permission problems in websites as the resync you did to recreate config files will not result in the same numerical uids to be used for the Linux system users of the websites; as always the next free uid is used. Such things (and several other possible caveats) are taken care of by the Migration Tool, plus the Migration Tool can do many other things like merging servers, do partial migrations etc.