Will the migration tool be able to convert a ISPConfig 3 multiserver to a new IPSConfig 3.1 multi-server? Can the location of the source websites and mail servers be directed to specific webservers or mail servers on the new setup? I have a separate DNS server on source and target. Will the source data be converted from the old source servers IPs to the new servers of the migration target? Thanks!
Hello. This won't work without some additional work. Each source server has to be migrated by its own, but of course you can choose the target server of a multiserver system during migration run. The client/web ids and so the paths won't be the same after migrating, of course. IPs in DNS won't be converted automatically, but this you can easily do by making an sql query on the server itself and then resync via tools->resync.
What if I have 3 smaller web servers I want to consolidate into one new larger on, I guess that won't work as it sounds like it overwrites the target server for every source server you copy over. Consider writing a tool to move resources around within a multiserver setup, not just update from another source ISPConfig system. Would be handy as people start growing and I'm sure it would have a market. Thanks!
It would work. The migrator in one step asks whether to import "reserved names". If told "yes" the mig fetches all web user names, client names etc. from the target and marks them as reserved. If there's a imported name that conflicts, a _2 is appended.
Does it do the same thing for mail servers? Have a reserved name feature? We have 3 smaller vm mail servers that I want to consolidate into 1 big physical server. Thanks!
Do you mean client names or email addresses? The server type (mail / dns / web) does not matter for client names.
Have existing mail mailboxes spread out over 3 different dedicated mail servers at source system. Each company/domain has mailboxes on one of the 3 servers. Have a new mailserver on the target system and want to copy all Mailboxes from 3 source mail servers and their associated emails to this one target mail server.
It's the same as for clients. If email logins (usernames) exist on the target and were marked as "reserved" different email addresses with the same login will get renamed to _2. If an email address itself already exists it will be updated with the settings from the source.