Mirroring Servers

Discussion in 'General' started by minimalist, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. minimalist

    minimalist Member

    Is the mirror server option working? Also, can DNS be mirrored as in server2 becoming a secondary nameserver?

    See the attached screenshots for my current (not working) setup. What could be wrong?

    Attached Files:

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer



    Enable debugging and then check the ispconfig log file. Most likely you have a problem with mysql permissions.
  3. Toucan

    Toucan Member

    I don't know if it's worth mentioning, or even the cause of it, but when i set up a mirror, the configurations were only mirrored when changes were written to the master: So I changed the email address on each of the Zone records then they were copied to the mirror.
  4. minimalist

    minimalist Member

    This is what I get:
    2010-07-24 12:13	server2.minimalist.ro	Debug	Remove Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock	
    2010-07-24 12:13	server2.minimalist.ro	Debug	No Updated records found, starting only the core.	
    2010-07-24 12:13	server1.minimalist.ro	Debug	Remove Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock	
    2010-07-24 12:13	server2.minimalist.ro	Debug	Set Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock	
    2010-07-24 12:13	server1.minimalist.ro	Debug	No Updated records found, starting only the core.	
    2010-07-24 12:13	server1.minimalist.ro	Debug	Set Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock	
    2010-07-24 12:12	server1.minimalist.ro	Debug	Remove Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock	
    2010-07-24 12:12	server1.minimalist.ro	Debug	No Updated records found, starting only the core.	
    2010-07-24 12:12	server1.minimalist.ro	Debug	Set Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock	
    2010-07-24 12:12	server2.minimalist.ro	Debug	Remove Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock	
    2010-07-24 12:12	server2.minimalist.ro	Debug	No Updated records found, starting only the core.	
    2010-07-24 12:12	server2.minimalist.ro	Debug	Set Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock	
    2010-07-24 12:11	server2.minimalist.ro	Debug	Remove Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock	
    2010-07-24 12:11	server2.minimalist.ro	Debug	No Updated records found, starting only the core.	
    2010-07-24 12:11	server2.minimalist.ro	Debug	Set Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock
    and some that seem to be from the sync:
    2010-07-24 12:22	server2.minimalist.ro	Debug	Replicated from master: REPLACE INTO dns_soa (`id`,`sys_userid`,`sys_groupid`,`sys_perm_user`,`sys_perm_group`,`sys_perm_other`,`server_id`,`origin`,`ns`,`mbox`,`serial`,`refresh`,`retry`,`expire`,`minimum`,`ttl`,`active`,`xfer`,`also_notify`,`update_acl`) VALUES ('2','2','2','riud','riud','','1','minimalist.ro.','ns1.minimalist.ro.','domenii.minimalist.ro.','2010072402','28800','7200','604800','86400','86400','Y','81.196.XXX.XX,81.196.XX.XX','','')	
    2010-07-24 12:22	server2.minimalist.ro	Debug	Found 1 changes, starting update process.
    Back on ns2 (server2) I only have the ns2.minimalist.ro (A) record synced.

    And another question: do I have to specify in the zone record the IP of server2 to be allowed in zone transfers?

    Thanks for your help!

    UPDATE: I think it works now! If I go through every record and save it on the master it gets synced on the secondary. Any idea on how to force a global update?
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2010
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You have to login to ispcongig on the master server, then add a dns record on the amster server and then check the log on the slave again afetr a minute or two to see which messages are listed there.

    And as Toucan pointed out, the mirror setup mirrors only new or updated records that have been added after you added the slave server. It will not mirror existing records.
  6. minimalist

    minimalist Member

    That was exactly the case. Thanks a lot, updating them all right now. :)

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