Hi, I am running ISPConfig 3.2.12 on a Ubuntu 20.04.06. 1) I know I have to upgrade my local console for 22.x Ubuntu as no text is displayed on my SVGA attached local console on 22.04 (which I am looking to do) but the weirdest thing, I have 20 domains that I am hosting. I am just commissioning the 3rd server. I am now quite well versed in setting up the sites, users, mail addresses etc. I went through the whole task of building a 20.04 box and adding websites. I then notice that site 18 out of the 20 is missing, but 19 and 20 are there and work. I was just wondering how this could have happened as website IDs are issued sequentially. The 18 site is also missing from the /var/www/clients/client1/webX/web listing on the server. Is there anyway to add this retrospectively as web18 ? If I have to rebuild the ISPConfig install is there any way to just remove ISPConfig so that I can reinstall Client1 and the websites under it.? Thank you
I'm quite sure there is nothing missing. The internal IDs are not just used for websites but also for aliases and subdomains, so not showing up as a website means they are used for something else already. This also means you can not re-use them manually. So, when you create a new server, you can not rely on getting the same internal IDs when adding records. That's why ISPConfig uses the domain name for a site as an alias (symlink). You should use that when navigating to a site on the shell and also when referring to a site path in files or code of your site. Why do you use such an outdated OS? Makes not much sense to me as it just means you need to make a dist upgrade on this system pretty soon. You should have used Ubuntu 24.04 today.
Hi Till, you mean 24.04? My monitor is so old it doesn't display once the ISPConfig 3 config is applied. I need to look at the graphics hardware in the servers and a new screen I think. Thanks
Yes. ISPConfig is normally installed on Ubuntu 24.04 server, not Desktop. So graphics hardware does not matter and for ISPConfig, the graphics card does not matter any way as it is a web application, so it does not ruuns any GUI or application that would use any graphics hardware on the system where it is installed.
Hi, Created a 24.04 boot stick, which works fine. I work through the auto-install script for 24.04 to the absolute letter, yet when I come to finally login to the console on the server's public address (after gathering the password info) the box refuses to run https. I have rebuilt the box about 3 times now, being ever more careful to not make any typos. I can't imagine what I am doing wrong. I have checked/double checked DNS. The other 2 boxes on 22.04 run https like a dream. Which logs should I be examining for clues. Thanks
We can't help you, if you do not post the exact errors. See read before posting post and also Let's Encrypt error FAQ.