I was setting up monitoring, (which should of been done 2 months ago) a too make a long story short; I was setting up the restart command /etc/init.d/httpd restart in monitoring & too double check since I was at the /etc/init.d/ directory anyway I looked for it! It wasn't their! To check that it was not their I ran at my prompt as root /etc/init.d/httpd status. By the way the monitoring command took just fine. But when actually looking for the file on the path I gave it the file is not their! So when I was at /etc/init.d there was no httpd file!!! Where did it go? I thought I KNEW that their was one their but it's gone. Hmmm. Any ideas? Anyone! How can it be rebuilt? Or to restart all my websites if the webserver goes down do I goto apache2 directory? Some smells bad in Northern California....
Are you sure that the file is not named: /etc/init.d/apache or /etc/init.d/apache2 if you use Ubuntu dapper on that server?
Thanks Till apache is but is not http.d Yup! That was it; apache is it's name for some reason I thought it was http.d. To tell the truth not much sleep the past few days... thanks again till.. peace